Rank Your Website by SEO Tuts | On Page Off Page Tips

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  • Post last modified:February 22, 2019
  • Reading time:6 mins read

What is SEO and how it works | SEO Tuts?

SEO is the acronym of the (Search Engine Optimization). Its also enhance the user-friendly interface. It is the strategy to index the site in various search engines and make the ranks on the top of the positions in search results. Basically, SEO is the smart plus free way to get the traffic on your website.  Otherwise, You can choose the paid promotions. The traffic is arising till then money is in your budget. You can use the paid promotions for instant traffic to grow the sales. On the other side SEO, the traffic is still coming, if the keyword is rank in the search engines. Applying the techniques of SEO, you can get a lot of free traffic.

Types of SEO ?

◼ White Hat SEO
White Hat SEO is the legal process to optimize the website for the search engines. Utilizing the techniques to achieving the targets according to search engine webmaster (Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster) guidelines. Regularly update the quality content on your website by the HTML Optimization. How its work? We’ll talk about it down.
Black Hat SEO
◼ Black Hat SEO
Get the benefits from the vulnerability/weakness of the search engines algorithms. You can boost your traffic fastly but it is for a limited time period. Google changes its ranking algorithm 500 – 600 times a year.  Then Google blocks your content and website. It’s a high-risk for your website, your time and hard work. How its work Click below.

What Is Black HAT SEO Tactic With Techniques | SEO Tuts 

Start the SEO—

SEO is work on two patterns ON-Page SEO and OFF-Page SEO.

ON-Page SEO ?

On-Page SEO is optimizing the web pages and obtain the high rank of quality traffic. Functioning of your web pages is user-friendly. The graphical interface is unique and easy to understand. Likely The main topic of your website is clearly organized in the navigation menu. What should be done to complete ON-Page SEO? Explain Below.

On Page SEO Factors ? 

✔ Choose the responsive theme of your website.

The website should be responsive and supported the mobile-friendly interface. Today! almost traffic comes on the websites from the smartphones?.  It is better if supports the AMP.

✔ Add the website in Google webmaster and Bing webmaster.

Verify the website from the webmaster and check the performance of the website from the google search console. Webmasters index your site in searches.

✔ Submit the sitemap.xml.

The sitemap is the list of URL of your website and updated content link. URL like this example.com/sitmap.xml If you are using the WordPress install the Yoast plugin it automatically generates the sitemap. If you are using another platform search on google. Google gives the  Answer.

✔ Crawler/bot-accessible configuration.

A crawler is called the spider or a spiderbot. Crawler visiting the worldwide websites and reading their pages also other information indexing in the search engine. Disallow these settings as you don’t want to index in the search engine. For Example Website login page.

✔ Add schema markup

Search Engine shows informative results. By adding schema markup on our website. More info clicks here.

✔ Secure with the HTTPS-SSL

HTTPS is the abbreviation of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. Its a secured version of HTTP.  HTTP is the protocol over which the data is transfer between the browser and website server in the encrypted form. Many Companies offer free and paid HTTPS.

✔ Page Speed Optimization

Compress the images and minify the JS, CSS. Use the CDNs. Use the reliable hosting services. if you want to check the website speed click here.

✔ Add the social sharing buttons.

Put the social media sharing buttons on your site. It may be possible someone like ?? and share the posts on your friend by the sharing buttons.

✔ Publish the  Unique and high-quality content.

Your article must be unique. The topic of your post that should be the search on google, bing, yahoo.

✔ Join commonly ask questions.

Create a separate section of the commonly asked question.

Make the quality content article by doing this in mind (guidelines).
  • Heading tags don’t use for fonts size adjustment.
  • Use the H1 tag only one-time ( For the Heading off topic ).
  • If you use the h2 tag you can use it 2 times.
  • Add the interesting and attractive images related to the topic wit alt tag.
  • Put the infographic to the better interface and user-friendly.
  • Add a keyword in the title of the post.
  • The article must be longer.
  • SEO-Friendly URL

OFF-Page SEO ?

Off Page, SEO is a technique that used to engage the position in the search results. Off Page SEO factors include the popularity, authority, relevance of the website.

Link Building

Link Building is the main part of the Off Page SEO. Your web page backlink recognizes the value of the content. If your webpage has high quality backlinks search engines rank your articles on high positions camper to the other articles which length have same.

Natural Backlinking:

Someone like your content and reference it in your blog or any social sites. The backlink is automatically created by naturally.

Manually Backlinking:

Post guest posts on the high authority website and get backlinks from your customer  etc


Make the backlinks on the forums, comments, anchor text or any online directories. These strategies are supporting the black hat SEO.

Share Your Site on different high authority websites like social media and answer the different typical questions on the websites. eg: quora.com

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Ayat UR Rehman

I'm a self-taught programmer and professionally studying Accounting and Finance. I love blogging to explore the world. It gives a chance to learn several things from different systems.

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  1. Adam

    Amazing Its help full

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